Acupuncture for Insomnia

 We've all had nights of restlessness- that feeling of waking up sluggish and having tiredness throughout the next day. We undervalue how important it is to have quality sleep. When insomnia is chronic, it’s harmful to our overall health.

 Daytime is meant to be active, to exert stored energy. That keeps us mentally and physically alert, strong. To compensate for activity, it’s vital for there to be equal recuperation. Through rest we heal, reset and replenish lost energy. It’s a necessary balance to recharge us. Without proper rest, the body depletes its backup energy storage to maintain the level of activity we expend throughout our waking hours. A comparison is like withdrawing money from a savings account daily leading to diminished wealth. In the case of lacking sleep, it leads to gradual diminished health.

Acupuncture and herbal medicine can directly treat the nervous system, regulating the autonomic balance so that the mind and body can rest when it is needed. The causes of insomnia are many and a personalized diagnosis is crucial to be able to effectively correct the problem. So whether the driving factor is stress, digestive upset, body temperature regulation, anemia, or any other conditions that may affect your rest, the results from your treatment will be in the right direction.

A New Day Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic can help you return to good sleep habits. We get to the root cause of what is really keeping you awake. When balance is restored, your body and mind can resume a healthy rhythm naturally.

 Don't spend another night awake and tired. Call now and find out how your sleep can greatly improve and feel better both night and day.


The Nervous System and Acupuncture


Case Study: Holistic Neurology for Intention Tremors